Control Your Yield

DEFI Platform on Starknet

Unlocking the Power of Yield Trading on Starknet

Many users leverage liquidity pools as a form of "fixed income," but seasoned investors crave something more: yield trading, a common practice in traditional markets, yet untapped in Web3.

Flexible Yield Tokens

Create and customize yield tokens based on different assets, maturities and yield strategies.

Decentralized Marketplace

Trade yield tokens in a secure and transparent environment, without intermediaries.

Optimized Liquidity

Utilize advanced liquidity mechanisms to ensure efficient trading of yield tokens.

Starknet Integration

Leverage the scalability and security of Starknet for a superior yield trading experience.

Metronome emerges, bringing yield trading to the Starknet ecosystem.

Currently, most DeFi platforms offer limited options for yield optimization. Metronome changes this by allowing users to trade their future yields, transforming them into present value.

Metronome and Yield Tokens

Introduces Metronome and its core function of creating yield tokens that represent future yields.

Smart Contracts and Cairo

Highlights the technology behind Metronome, using smart contracts written in Cairo to create these yield tokens.

Trading and Value Capture

Emphasizes the ability to trade these yield tokens, unlocking the potential to capture value from yields before they are realized.

Zero-Knowledge Technology

Explains how zk-rollup technology, based on zero-knowledge proofs, improves network scalability by validating transactions off-chain.

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